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Viewing unsupported plugins, please help?

spellcastunsupportedkonami codehow toplease helpautocastffxifinal fantasywindower

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    #1 Raiton



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      Posted 07 November 2015 - 08:35 PM

      Hello!  I just wanted to start off by saying thank you so much for the awesome program.  It makes FFXI much more enjoyable and I can't imagine gameplay without it any more.  That being said I have done some research as got about as far as I can get on my own.  Now I need to ask for help.  


      I'm trying to get access to unsupported plugins such as spellcast.  Before you suggest it, I have looked into gearswap and I have seen that there are a fair amount of pre-built gearswap lua files.  However it's a little more then I want to venture into right now.  I have a better understanding of spellcast and would like to see if I can get it working again.  


      I have read that you can view unsupported plugins by entering the Konami code on the main plugins menu.  At first I thought this might be a hoax but the poster seemed pretty genuine in his reply.  However I can not for the life of me find anywhere to enter this.  I've tried both looking on windower itself as well as from the command promt in FFXI accessed by "insert" key.  


      Could you please outline for me how to get these hidden plugins to reveal themselves?  Thank you very much for your assistance!



      #2 trv


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        Posted 07 November 2015 - 08:47 PM

        You enter the code on the plugin tab.


        Spellcast no longer functions (at all). I don't think it's still listed, either.

        #3 Iryoku


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          Posted 07 November 2015 - 11:51 PM

          As trv said, you just type the code while the Plugins tab is selected. Things will jump around as you type it in, but once you complete the code the list will update instantly and the unsupported plugins will be listed in yellow. As he mentioned Spellcast doesn't work at all any more, and it's no longer available for download, even as an unsupported plugin.


          There is a Spellcast to Gearswap script translator that I wrote which you can try at http://sc2lua.windower.net/ or you can try using the command line version. The web interface is very minimal, provides no error messages, and it can be a little bit finicky to use, so I would recommend downloading the command line version. The web interface is just a very simple front end for the command line tool that Aureus hacked together in an hour or so. Also I believe the command line tool is slightly newer and has a few extra bug fixes, but for the most part they're the same. I stopped working on the project after a few weeks due to lack of interest from the community, but it should still mostly work. Gearswap has been updated quite a bit since I wrote this tool, so there's a pretty good chance that something will be broken. But any breakage should be relatively minor.


          A quick disclaimer for the translator: don't use it as an example of good practice. It is designed to preserve some very quirky semantics that Spellcast had that Gearswap doesn't (for good reason), and as such, the code it generates can be somewhat obtuse. Also, don't be surprised if the resulting Lua script bears little to no resemblance to your original XML file; the translator performs some fairly radical transformations in order to map the single-pass Spellcast model onto Gearswap's multi-pass model. It also performs some basic constant folding and branch elimination optimizations which can produce some surprising changes to the structure of the code.


          Also, be aware that the translator does a few things that are not considered standard practice, especially in relation to how gear sets are created. Again, this is because it was necessary to emulate some very quirky behavior that Spellcast had, but the main consequence is that GearCollector integration won't work with translated Spellcast scripts.

          Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: spellcast, unsupported, konami code, how to, please help, autocast, ffxi, final fantasy, windower

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