Try this:
It should largely work, but still has a few minor issues, mostly with enemy flags.
Great work! Seems like most everything is working even enemy flags on what I've done so far which was only Incursion. Only issue I'm seeing is that no Adoulin area maps are working/showing. I copied and pasted the same map.ini from what I use in Apradar and all older maps work until I zone to Adoulin areas. And these maps show in apradar but I remember hearing awhile back that when Adoulin areas were added that something shifted? I'll post the most up to date map.ini I have but I think something needs to be fixed within Mappy for these to show all the maps. Thanks Arcon for getting this to work!
So I found a GitHub, Maps and tried that map.ini which works kinda. Looks like it shows some Adoulin area maps but not all because of updates and such.
Is there any way to have GitHub updates with currents maps and ini to have a central location for this?