I'm opening this thread to see if others have been seeing this same issue.
Bug URL: https://github.com/W...sues/issues/838
I'm on Windows 10 Professional x64 (clean installation from a Microsoft sold USB flash drive).
The problem happens without any add-ons or plugins enabled / installed. (e.g. lua unloadall and unloadall before logging into first character)
Steps generally are, but I've seen variations:
1) Start POL
2) Keep or unload all add-on & plugins
3) Log into main character
4) Got about work
5) Need to reference http://ffxiclopedia.wikia.com via Firefox.
6) Change focus to Firefox and open a new tab (clone / duplicate or new tab)
7) While using Firefox, POL crashes. It has also happened where POL crashes right after returning focus to POL from Firefox.
I've already posted 6 dumps with and without add-on/plugins PLUS the one where POL had focus just returned from Firefox.
Anyone else seeing the same or something similar?
Thank you.
NOTE: I've been able to dual box without this happening as frequently, but it does happen from time to time where one of the two boxes will crash.