in my case works on mage jobs and it crash on melee i hope they fix it soon cos im playing w/o macros o.o

Windower crash, and errors

Posted 21 January 2014 - 05:51 AM

Posted 21 January 2014 - 06:32 AM
my game crashes when i try to //sneak as a black mage. wasnt doing that pre-update.

Posted 21 January 2014 - 07:14 AM
For me, crashes occur when I am using Windower in an attempt to dualbox on the same machine, which is the primary purpose for which I use the software. When only one account is logged in, all plugins work as I expect them two with two caveats: Spellcast gives me "Critical error: unable to find party" (I have this plugin set to off by default and activate it upon login for one account only) and BlinkMeNot unloads due to an access violation upon logging a character in (though if I manually load it after this, no problems seem to crop up).
Edit: These issues were not present prior to this morning's update.

Posted 21 January 2014 - 05:34 PM
after this spellcast update they did, now it comes up saying: Spellcast Error No group by the name "init_load". I restarted the game and nothing. I tried changing jobs and still same result. Now attainment fails..

Posted 21 January 2014 - 06:44 PM
Attainment is still broken, pretty sure. Spellcast seems to be working as far as event trigger go except for the following: /heal, idle, engaged

Posted 21 January 2014 - 06:57 PM
Attainment is fixed now.

Posted 21 January 2014 - 08:31 PM
as of 3:30 ET, attainment still randomly unloads itself.
"attainment encountered a fatal error and must be terminated. Error: Access violation in IncomingChunk method."

Posted 21 January 2014 - 09:17 PM
That's not the most recent version.

Posted 22 January 2014 - 01:10 AM
..aaaaand that would explain it. Didn't log off to force the update. Ty, and glad I included the version.

Posted 22 January 2014 - 01:40 AM
Reinstalled fresh from PC download, got rid of Steam and all problems have been resolved. Thanks Guys!

Posted 22 January 2014 - 05:55 AM
after this spellcast update they did, now it comes up saying: Spellcast Error No group by the name "init_load". I restarted the game and nothing. I tried changing jobs and still same result. Now attainment fails..
I still have this problem as well. You can get around it by manually loading a group (//sc group groupname). I'm also having odd issues with certain rules, and I haven't pinned down the issue yet. I think it might be <if subjob=
I had some rules set up so that changespell would fix what spell I'm trying to cast regardless of what macro set I was on; for example, if I hit a macro that says "/ma 'cure iii' <t>" and was on DNC it would changespell to /ja "curing waltz iii". This has worked for ages until yesterday. It STILL works on my DNC where the only rule is <if spell="cure iii"...... <changespell spell="curing waltz iii".......... but on my THF, i had a subjob clause in there as well and it doesn't seem to like it. <if spell="cure iii" <if subjob="dnc" <changespell etcetera. I get a "command error" in the chatlog, suggesting its just trying to cast cure iii.
Any ideas? As I said, I use this setup daily and have never had problems until now.

Posted 22 January 2014 - 06:00 AM
Oh, I have more evidence that <if subjob= isn't working. I have rules set up for my COR idle in refresh gear if my sub is RDM WHM or SCH. This also has stopped working today.
I've also started crashing every time I zone 2 characters at the same time, such as when teleporting.

Posted 22 January 2014 - 12:00 PM
Job-related rules should be fixed now.

Posted 23 January 2014 - 12:58 AM
I still have an issue where when I log in or change jobs, SC doesn't know what group to default to. There is a sort of solution to this, you can set a group to be your default by using this line:
<group name="example" default="yes"></group>
But it would be nice if it functioned like it used to. I just named my groups COR or GEO or whatever and spellcast knew to default to it.

Posted 23 January 2014 - 01:47 AM
This should be fixed now.

Posted 25 January 2014 - 05:30 AM
I've read through this thread and have tried uninstalling then reinstalling, but my windower crashes before it even brings up POL everytime since last update. I've even tried turning off all plugins and add-ons, but I get the same result. I've sent error reports in hopes they'll help pinpoint and fix the issue.
I'm running Windows XP Home Edition with Service Pack 2 (3 gives me errors and won't install properly).
EDIT: Problem Resolved. When I've encountered previous crash messages (that terminate XI when you confirm), I pull them off-screen and continued playing. I had left one up and didn't notice it because it was pulled way down off my monitor screen. lol
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