Temp thread with the new forum till mods or Darkshade imports the thread over with stuff. (Which after that, this thread could be deleted)
Original Thread and instructions on legacy forums:
--== DOWNLOADS ==--
NOTE: Please note that some mob families aren't displayed on the new Scars of Abyssea maps such as the Smilodons in Vunkerl or the Dragons in Attowa because they have unusual/timed pop patterns and weren't currently spawned when I was originally mapping the areas. At some point when all mob groups are discovered I will re-update these maps both for in game use and radar programs.
Master All maps file:
https://www.dropbox....PS 03-17-14.rar
Added Rgtheone's Outer Ra'Kaznar dat's.
OLDER VERSION FILESXI Vision March 27th - (40.90 MB) - Many thanks to Shinobi and Wildman for working on this in my absence.
Seekers of Adoulin maps - Credits: shadowkrusha
Mirror 1
Mirror 2
--== SOA MAPS ==--
(While this is just from the end of the old thread for SOA maps, I will just post a couple links users provided for us)
SOA 0.3 from Shadowkrusha - https://www.dropbox....Maps%20v0.3.zip
Some Spiras and other maps that Nerji posted from BG requests - v0.2 download