Please take a minute to read and understand the following rules and guidelines before posting in the support forum.
Use the search feature
Before posting, use the search feature to check if anyone else has asked the question before. Duplicate questions may be closed or deleted.
Be specific
Please be as specific as you can. Posting "Windower doesn't work. Please help!" isn't sufficient to properly trouble shoot your issue. Provide as much information as you can, including how and when the problem occurs, the steps you have taken to try and fix the problem, details about your operating system, which plugins and/or addons you use, and any other information that you think might be relevant. The more information you give, the easier it will be for someone to help you.
Do not post bug reports or feature requests in this forum
Bugs and feature requests related to Windower or its plugins should be posted on our public issue tracker. If you are not sure if your problem is a bug, please post the problem here first. Bugs specific to a particular addon and addon conflicts should be reported directly to the addon's author by using the link in the Windower launcher. If you are developing an addon and encounter a bug in our Lua API or would like to request a new function, we have an issue tracker specifically for Lua.
Post individual questions as separate topics
Our system can only mark a single post as an answer to a support topic. Asking multiple unrelated questions in a single topic makes it more difficult for other users to find a solution if they are having the same problem.
Mark answered questions
If someone posts an answer that adequately solves your problem, mark their post as the solution. Posts marked as answers have a different background color to make them easy to find, and topics with answers are tagged as such in the topic list. If you solve a problem by yourself, please post the solution as a reply and mark it as the answer so that others may benefit. If a topic has been answered but you do not mark it so within a reasonable time frame, you may receive a warning from a moderator. Multiple incidents may result in the removal of your ability to post topics in the support forum.