Most of us, did get some problems with windower and windows 10.
For most of my games that adds Mods and stuff (i.e : Fallout 4 / Skyrim / Etc...) the mods were unable to work.
That's because of administration allowance !
To disable it, here a smal tutorial (sorry for misanderstanding, my windows is in french i may translate wrongly).
On Windower Folder, right clic on it, properties > Security > Groups and User: clic on Modify > clic on Add... > clic on Advanced > clic on search > there must be an "everyone" on the search finder, clic on it, then ok, ok a second time, allow "total control" then ok, finish with ok !
Now, the windower is able to update automatically.
Another thing after that, to when you change some variables and make it work:
right clic on windower folder, and unmark the "read only", for all folder included in windower.
Now, some others addons/plugin should fully work !
It happends that GearSwap didn't worked for me until i disabled the "Read Only" !
Hope it'll work for you too.