Can someone explain to me how to get AutoRA to work?


Posted 01 December 2013 - 07:47 AM

Posted 01 December 2013 - 07:50 AM
I'm really not sure if it works at all anymore, it hasn't been maintained in a while. But it should work by just loading it and then pressing Ctrl+D (it will overwrite other Ctrl+D key binds, if you have any). Alternatively, try typing in //ara start to get it to start shooting. Alt+D or //ara stop will stop it.

Posted 01 December 2013 - 08:21 AM
I tried both of those but still nothing. I wish if someone is going to put something on that they either get it to work, or explain to everyone how to set it up for people that don't do this. This would be a cool concept if it only worked.

Posted 01 December 2013 - 08:54 AM
It is explained in the readme file. But like I said, it hasn't been maintained in a while and a few things changed since then. Does nothing happen, i.e. nothing starts shooting when you press it? Do you get an error message, if so, which? Are you on Windower 4.0 or 4.1? The more you can tell us the easier it would be for someone to fix.

Posted 11 December 2013 - 04:53 AM
I havent been able to get AutoRA to work in awhile. Sooooo... I cheated for now.. I use my G15 keyboard to do it. Thing is, I have to manually edit the delay to maximize the shots, depending on the bow.
I also one time tried to make spellcast do the work too for me, however really havent had the time to figure out where I could change it from trying to auto cast magic, to be a /ra command instead. Tho I am sure if I sat down with it, maybe I could figure that out.

Posted 12 December 2013 - 07:09 AM
You can use this as its own xml or incorporate into your existing. I used this for skilling up in Abyssea on worms. Skill gain rate seems to go up a lot faster if you spam ws's as well of the same type that you are trying to skill. This xml will automatically RA once you engage the mob, keep a particular buff up like hasso or hunters, auto ws when you have tp, continue RA'ing till the mob dies, and do nothing while idle.
If you call it Ranged.xml you would just type in game:
//sc load Ranged
<spellcast xmlns:xi=""> <config /> <sets /> <rules> <if status="engaged"> <cmd when="Engaged">wait 2;input /ra;</cmd> </if> <if spell="Ranged" status="Engaged" NotBuffactive="Hasso"> <changetarget target="<me>" /> <ChangeSpell Spell="Hasso"/> <command when="aftercast">wait 4; input /ra;</command> </if> <elseif spell="Ranged" status="Engaged" BuffActive="Hasso" TPGT="100"> <ChangeSpell Spell="Sniper Shot"/> <command when="aftercast">wait 4; input /ra;</command> </elseif> <elseif spell="Ranged" status="Engaged" Buffactive="Hasso" TPLT="100"> <command when="aftercast">wait 4; input /ra;</command> </elseif> </if> </rules> </spellcast>
Hopefully that does what your looking for.
- tbo likes this

Posted 13 December 2013 - 04:45 AM
As for what is not working with AutoRa in the 4.1 branch:
AutoRa does not seem to be factoring delays from line 31-33 if you leave them to default or input them with different values. I'm not sure if they need to be prefaced differently such as if you changed line 30 it would list it when loaded.
from: version='2.0.0'
to: _addon.version = '2.0.0'
While I was using a range chakram with a delay of 286 I had to change line 103 to have a delay of 3 instead of 2 which would work while I was engaged. When the mob dies I would get "... a command error occurred" through ffxi.
//ara start, if I'm Idle will only fire it once and //ara start while I'm engaged will continue to fire as long as I'm engaged which leads me to believe it is at least detecting when it is first run what my status is. When I engage again I have to type //ara start to get it to auto again.
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