Just a simple question really. I'm really loving Treasury over Light Luggage mainly because of how much faster Treasury lots/passes. My question is, is there a way to create profiles like light luggage has? I always had a profile for dynamis ADL farming, then back to default when I got out.

Treasury addon

Posted 04 July 2014 - 06:29 PM
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Posted 04 July 2014 - 06:39 PM
No, there isn't, I may add it in the future, but the need isn't as great as it was for LL, because you couldn't dynamically add/remove items with LL. You can with Treasury. So instead of doing ll profile x to change to profile x, where x has all its lot/add info defined, you can do tr lot add *bill *coin *shell when you start farming and tr lot remove *bill *coin *shell when you're done or something.

Posted 04 July 2014 - 07:58 PM
No, there isn't, I may add it in the future, but the need isn't as great as it was for LL, because you couldn't dynamically add/remove items with LL. You can with Treasury. So instead of doing ll profile x to change to profile x, where x has all its lot/add info defined, you can do tr lot add *bill *coin *shell when you start farming and tr lot remove *bill *coin *shell when you're done or something.
Thanks Arcon! and this gave me an idea! I opened up the Treasury.lua and where you have those aliases for seals, currency ect, I added a few extras like odious,tomes and adl (passes all junk items in dynamis) and added in the ID's for each. Took awhile to add in all those ID's, but seems to be working. So I'll just do a "tr lot add odious" then when I'm done I can do a "tr lot remove odious" It's kinda like adding profiles but within the lua file itself. I'll just have to make a backup I suppose just incase of an update I could add those back in.
XI View latest release:https://github.com/W...XIView/releases

Posted 04 July 2014 - 08:03 PM
Good idea, I could also allow alias definitions like those in a settings file, so they won't get overwritten. I'll consider it for the next version.
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