Windower 4.0 is working fine on my computer but on my wife's it crashes after clicking that arrow to go to Playonline Viewer.
Attached Files
Edited by Iryoku, 08 August 2013 - 08:39 PM.
expanded topic title
Best Answer Daywhite , 19 August 2013 - 11:53 AM
Whatever it was was fixed in the last update, because she can use it now, thanks
Posted 08 August 2013 - 05:29 PM
Windower 4.0 is working fine on my computer but on my wife's it crashes after clicking that arrow to go to Playonline Viewer.
Edited by Iryoku, 08 August 2013 - 08:39 PM.
expanded topic title
Posted 08 August 2013 - 06:38 PM
See if there's a crash.log file in her Windower folder, and if it is, upload it or its contents somewhere. There should be something we can use there.
Posted 08 August 2013 - 06:51 PM
[ 4.0.4890.17383 ] 2013-08-08 17:17:08.3355066 UTC
System.ArgumentException: Not enough space available in the buffer.
at System.Runtime.InteropServices.SafeBuffer.SpaceCheck(Byte* ptr, UInt64 sizeInBytes)
at System.Runtime.InteropServices.SafeBuffer.WriteArray[T](UInt64 byteOffset, T[] array, Int32 index, Int32 count)
at System.IO.UnmanagedMemoryAccessor.WriteArray[T](Int64 position, T[] array, Int32 offset, Int32 count)
at #=qrSgx9ThY5s6fhCmPyUy57hskYzMVk$JMF5d8uaVG$RxbIBg1LGo0Vd_BUiDCvHhm.#=qR58q17kY_vvjiAng2Pyvgg==[T](MemoryMappedViewAccessor #=qH9d0WGFvyJSFh5PbKjGCrw==, Int64 #=qHCISe3J_C6jG995ymbSXmA==, T #=qFgF4vy43obwluZFii6jprw==)
at #=qdJDer2Fvty0Bvl1Ni7j8TbxeLgLklgq0ixO6_eZCmaQ=.#=qbJC4cFYodheTWx2iUDEm0w==(#=qLPmaFOvWS4ucd0G3_ZYO9UUFgt9SbZkIFsnD6GwqkI0= #=qGRTFPWzz7vWXTFThfCpEOw==, String #=qvyd1RKyS4z5rx76FGK4gwA==, #=qVcihfzwOkgNcMOkzn4nQuQ== #=qPWxDrH3V8kTHLI_i3mOLtQ==, TimeSpan #=qj8szIlI3rEzXxxXBYNNKkw==)
at #=qdJDer2Fvty0Bvl1Ni7j8TbxeLgLklgq0ixO6_eZCmaQ=.#=q0ETVMH0JFffrZEPsp6O_2w==(String #=qkOw3mZMlMVPchBEg1MZdIA==, #=qYzqXXolfMeNdmdT7O3HWz0pf2qnDaZ00LzAE6gKJfwA= #=q6Mn$eMsC3PXFc8Ox1bM2hQ==, TimeSpan #=qPQByBsSdcnq6YTNyzqpptg==)
at #=qdJDer2Fvty0Bvl1Ni7j8TbxeLgLklgq0ixO6_eZCmaQ=.#=qYTCFKCdQAKAX3xHQxzO4VA==(String #=q9N4yUZ1ymcv8HrIdlB39Sg==, #=qYzqXXolfMeNdmdT7O3HWz0pf2qnDaZ00LzAE6gKJfwA= #=qrNpnMEkZScehrmtS1BfqqQ==)
at #=qNOHDHz9hm9sgKhplLSW1vD9tIz1qDgKkBUjd4z$uXxg=.#=q5Ou66kB59q4UqjCTyoS5yQ==()
at #=qGJkuNjOEBU3Eh7Qb62GuvJkyJwR1MKvZS_Z7hIKVy04=.#=q_RFEvs3lOd579pudnarpuw==(#=qFYidEfM4VrEH5OZ_mBn1Ug== #=q1vFrI78K3ZwZ4X5V5sflvQ==)
at #=qFYidEfM4VrEH5OZ_mBn1Ug==.#=qy$XIwBXQ3gy3Ve$ETobyHw==()
at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context(Object state)
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean ignoreSyncCtx)
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart()
Posted 08 August 2013 - 07:15 PM
i am having the same issue on my pc. when i click "launch" it tries to open pol for a couple of minutes then it just stops with an error. here is a copy of my crash log.
8/8/2013 5:05:05 AM
System.TimeoutException: The operation has timed out.
at #=qqAzPRWz$RssPKfk0jUZ$WCjp8nopLLO9t9sTGipaG5Y=.#=qq6o8s_4$CV5qmty7aDpXcQ==(#=qPm9BNL3SiV0sOAYpWtx425myfcWJq6lbag6RFwBzBCs= #=qG2SARFf0vXqceHhYVwNoug==, String #=qlo1fBfSYicE$ixwnsC3uWg==, #=qiiAOl5GPj6DXsDvP2Kdi7w== #=q113362DYQ2RlYX3Ca1e7Og==, TimeSpan #=qPg2TgCAk6GOBreydtbq_Rg==)
at #=qqAzPRWz$RssPKfk0jUZ$WCjp8nopLLO9t9sTGipaG5Y=.#=qYiV2gsygzf1MqdSmf_sUiQ==(String #=qXGQR6A2pK4bYx3UIwD9kPQ==, #=qV_vdXJWxFe82jBde5nTWZNpU5N6zKCFTkYVR28Q6PJQ= #=qm$kpPhSY99mSZfKvwcQdtg==, TimeSpan #=qDfv1C4VSYhzJGIXE3L_ZyQ==)
at #=qqAzPRWz$RssPKfk0jUZ$WCjp8nopLLO9t9sTGipaG5Y=.#=qswaxzuXUpRrG1TBx6_ctbA==(String #=q3G6Bu4p7cm89Y1nXoqM4Sw==, #=qV_vdXJWxFe82jBde5nTWZNpU5N6zKCFTkYVR28Q6PJQ= #=qoF8XYRBkEKpZTIfxksI1ag==)
at #=qE_Gmewu1xJSvcdNgw8QTigHdtg9gjRFqivu3anVY95o=.#=qnQCMKMqRLmsGND5_yA3M5Q==()
at #=qAlk$Mw_tywKjs9rd7cyoVByKGVe3vaaXeS_LGtl1hBE=.#=qfyJ2oWactrEI0jMMW5DrEA==(#=qmhNvAyztrFon0QQMItVoEw== #=q$_uA1omHXJgXxHzgfPGREA==)
at #=qmhNvAyztrFon0QQMItVoEw==.#=qav9FVComJWu2k_c7i_yB0A==()
at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context(Object state)
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean ignoreSyncCtx)
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart()
Posted 08 August 2013 - 08:38 PM
@Daywhite: That's a very unusual crash, I can't find anything else like it in our crash report data. In fact I can't find any information on that error message at all. Just to rule out some sort of strange file corruption can you please try to re-install Windower?
@Dankujin: Your issue is, in fact, completely unrelated. Windower is attempting to launch PlayOnline Viewer and inject hook, but hook isn't responding; it times out and crashes after 30 seconds. The most likely cause is your anti-virus or firewall blocking the injection process.
Posted 08 August 2013 - 09:44 PM
[ 4.0.4890.17383 ] 2013-08-08 21:41:39.4340862 UTC
System.ArgumentException: Not enough space available in the buffer.
at System.Runtime.InteropServices.SafeBuffer.SpaceCheck(Byte* ptr, UInt64 sizeInBytes)
at System.Runtime.InteropServices.SafeBuffer.WriteArray[T](UInt64 byteOffset, T[] array, Int32 index, Int32 count)
at System.IO.UnmanagedMemoryAccessor.WriteArray[T](Int64 position, T[] array, Int32 offset, Int32 count)
at #=qrSgx9ThY5s6fhCmPyUy57hskYzMVk$JMF5d8uaVG$RxbIBg1LGo0Vd_BUiDCvHhm.#=qR58q17kY_vvjiAng2Pyvgg==[T](MemoryMappedViewAccessor #=qH9d0WGFvyJSFh5PbKjGCrw==, Int64 #=qHCISe3J_C6jG995ymbSXmA==, T #=qFgF4vy43obwluZFii6jprw==)
at #=qdJDer2Fvty0Bvl1Ni7j8TbxeLgLklgq0ixO6_eZCmaQ=.#=qbJC4cFYodheTWx2iUDEm0w==(#=qLPmaFOvWS4ucd0G3_ZYO9UUFgt9SbZkIFsnD6GwqkI0= #=qGRTFPWzz7vWXTFThfCpEOw==, String #=qvyd1RKyS4z5rx76FGK4gwA==, #=qVcihfzwOkgNcMOkzn4nQuQ== #=qPWxDrH3V8kTHLI_i3mOLtQ==, TimeSpan #=qj8szIlI3rEzXxxXBYNNKkw==)
at #=qdJDer2Fvty0Bvl1Ni7j8TbxeLgLklgq0ixO6_eZCmaQ=.#=q0ETVMH0JFffrZEPsp6O_2w==(String #=qkOw3mZMlMVPchBEg1MZdIA==, #=qYzqXXolfMeNdmdT7O3HWz0pf2qnDaZ00LzAE6gKJfwA= #=q6Mn$eMsC3PXFc8Ox1bM2hQ==, TimeSpan #=qPQByBsSdcnq6YTNyzqpptg==)
at #=qdJDer2Fvty0Bvl1Ni7j8TbxeLgLklgq0ixO6_eZCmaQ=.#=qYTCFKCdQAKAX3xHQxzO4VA==(String #=q9N4yUZ1ymcv8HrIdlB39Sg==, #=qYzqXXolfMeNdmdT7O3HWz0pf2qnDaZ00LzAE6gKJfwA= #=qrNpnMEkZScehrmtS1BfqqQ==)
at #=qNOHDHz9hm9sgKhplLSW1vD9tIz1qDgKkBUjd4z$uXxg=.#=q5Ou66kB59q4UqjCTyoS5yQ==()
at #=qGJkuNjOEBU3Eh7Qb62GuvJkyJwR1MKvZS_Z7hIKVy04=.#=q_RFEvs3lOd579pudnarpuw==(#=qFYidEfM4VrEH5OZ_mBn1Ug== #=q1vFrI78K3ZwZ4X5V5sflvQ==)
at #=qFYidEfM4VrEH5OZ_mBn1Ug==.#=qy$XIwBXQ3gy3Ve$ETobyHw==()
at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context(Object state)
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean ignoreSyncCtx)
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart()
uninstalled, deleted the folder, temp files, then redownloaded, got the same result ><
Posted 08 August 2013 - 09:51 PM
Shes still got the older windower installed, v 3.3 or w.e it was could that be the problem? still got the old one installed on my pc as well but didnt get this error. Afraid if i uninstall it on hers and its not the problem she'll be stuck without windower at all ><
Posted 09 August 2013 - 04:59 AM
The old Windower should not interfere with the new one at all.
Posted 10 August 2013 - 12:38 AM
I've just finished installing and updating FFXIOnline on my Asus G750J and whenever I try to run the game with Windower, it crashes the game after you press the Play button - just before the game loads. The error i get says "PlayOnline Viewer has stopped working". I tried to look for Crash logs in the Windower Folder but no Crash report is generated. The game runs fine if I don't start it with the Windower. I've already tried a fresh re-install of Windower and loading it without any add-ons and Plug-Ins but it is still not working.
I have already installed the game on 4 other machines, 2 PCs and 2 Laptops and it is running problem-free. Any help or advice on this matter is much appreciated. Thank you!
Oh yes, i forgot to add, it is on Windows 8 but so are the other machines that don't have the problem
Posted 10 August 2013 - 02:41 AM
Any of you who got this issue is on Windows 8?
Posted 10 August 2013 - 07:19 AM
I've just finished installing and updating FFXIOnline on my Asus G750J and whenever I try to run the game with Windower, it crashes the game after you press the Play button - just before the game loads. The error i get says "PlayOnline Viewer has stopped working". I tried to look for Crash logs in the Windower Folder but no Crash report is generated. The game runs fine if I don't start it with the Windower. I've already tried a fresh re-install of Windower and loading it without any add-ons and Plug-Ins but it is still not working.
This is an entirely separate issue. Check our bugtracker if t's reported on there, if not, file an issue please.
Posted 19 August 2013 - 11:53 AM Best Answer
Whatever it was was fixed in the last update, because she can use it now, thanks
Posted 19 August 2013 - 01:49 PM
Very odd... but as long as it works. /shrug
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