Is there some way to change the list of Findall items anytime I switch jobs? For example, as BST I want to keep track of items like Shiromochi, but as WHM I'd like the list to change so I can keep track of items like Echo Drops. Is this possible, and if so, how? Thank you for reading through this and thanks for any help you might be able to provide.
Started by
, Mar 10 2016 10:42 AM
1 reply to this topic
Posted 10 March 2016 - 10:42 AM
Posted 05 April 2016 - 06:25 PM
i use gearswap and you can add lines to track easily. I use motentons GS files and just add lines such as:
send_command('wait 0.4;track add Cho (enfeeble): ${ALL:Chonofuda}')
send_command('wait 0.5;track add Shika (enhance): ${ALL:Shikanofuda}')
send_command('wait 0.6;track add Inoshi (elem): ${ALL:Inoshishinofuda}')
send_command('wait 0.7;track add Shihei: ${ALL:shihei}')
send_command('wait 0.8;track add H-Shuriken: ${INVENTORY:Hachiya Shuriken}')
under the function "function select_default_macro_book()"
i do believe there is a command to clear everything that is being tracked. so essentially you can add the command to clear, then add w/e after in each GS file, and on load it will clear / start tracking what you need per job.
this is also the location where i add all my job / subjob specific key binds
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